Returning home to yourself
I first discovered that I had innate healing abilities when I was 17, I had many experiences that I could not explain that appeared miraculous to me.
I also discovered that during my practice of intuitive massage that i offered to friends, that if I simply waved my hand over their body I could sense where there was a problem and pin point areas of discomfort very easily.
I decided to put the massage and healing work aside while I trained in NLP. It wasn't for another 15 years that the call back to energy healing and massage came. I now weave all my skills together when they are needed in the moment while working closely with my guides, Angels, beings of 100% light and Ascended Masters that come and assist in the healing.
I have a keen interest in Shaolin Kung Fu and have been working with the practice for 15 years and am now a qualified Chi Kung instructor.
I also run sound journeys and Gong Baths, I don't have any formal training in Sound healing but have honed my skills over many years of space-holding in sacred spaces, ceremony and ritual. All my skills come together during my weekend healing retreats throughout the year, in UK and internationally.

Certified Shamanic Practitioner & Energy Healer
With Trinity Training
Qualified 2019, practicing since 2016
Certified First & Second Degree Angelic Reiki
With Sue Holmes
Qualified 2017
Additional Seraphim Healing Training
With Eloise-Bennett
Certified Tantric Journey Educator
With Tantric Journey, School of Healing and Awakening
Qualified 2017
Certified Master Practitioner
NLP, TLT™, NLP Coach and Hypnotherapy
ABNLP Approved
Qualified 2011, practicing NLP since 2008
Certified Level 1 Instructor of Chinese Chi Kung
With Nam Yang Pugilistic Association
Qualified 2020, practicing since 2004
"David has an incredible gift, mixing Shamanism and Tantra into a deeply healing journey. In his session I felt like I travelled back through time into a painful past and was able to face these issues and start to deal with them.
"I found your therapy so effective."
"Since my breakthrough session I now feel like I really know myself and more importantly how to ensure I move towards my goals every single day."
"My life has been transformed."
"I have received fantastic guidance from David Allen. He is understanding and empathetic - really tuned in to the core issues of the problem."
"To my surprise after the session I really did feel amazing."
"Since therapy, there has been a definite transformation."
"I even walked home smiling which I haven't done for a very long time."
"Dave's work as an NLP practitioner is truly remarkable, lifelong difficulties have melted away within a few short sessions."
"David Allen helped me to realise my goals and put them into reality."
"Many thanks to Dave for taking the time and patience to help me and assist me through a very dark time."
"The effect of this Time Line Therapy was immediate."
"Thanks David for helping me to re-find my focus and for showing me that I already knew and had everything that I need to accomplish my goals."
The Way Home